Timeless Beds

Good sleep begins with an inviting and ergonomic bed. Our bed collection offers something for every sleeper. Let yourself be inspired by our range and fall in love with our quality.

For the frame of your Matri bed, you can choose from timeless base colors: white, sand, or grey. Our bed frames are designed to stand the test of time, not only in terms of quality but also visually. The elegantly simple frames fit a variety of styles and can be easily personalized to match your own aesthetic.




Our Bed Collection

The diverse needs of sleepers are the cornerstone of our bed designs. Our versatile collection offers something for everyone. A high-quality Matri bed supports and adapts to you throughout the night. Choose the model that suits you best, because everyone deserves a good night’s sleep.

Nordic frame beds

Our Nordic frame beds consist of a mattress base with attached legs. Their lightweight structure makes them an excellent choice for smaller spaces. With a Scandinavian minimalist and functional design, Matri nordic frame beds adapt seamlessly to various needs.

Discover our nordic frame beds

Continental beds

Luxurious Continental beds are suitable for the most demanding sleepers. Explore our continental bed models with their elegant design and discover more.

Discover our continental beds

Adjustable Beds

An adjustable bed is perfect if you want the ideal position for reading or watching TV. A motorized bed is also ideal if you prefer sleeping with an elevated head or foot section or need assistance getting out of bed.

Discover out adjustable beds

Natural Beds

We set out to create a bed crafted from natural materials, designed to endure life and eventually be recyclable. Discover beds made from pure, natural materials.

Explore our Hilja beds

Warranty 5/15

We believe everyone has the right to expect the frame of a high-quality bed to last year after year. We stand by our durable and timeless quality. Matri beds come with a comprehensive 5-year warranty. Additionally, we offer a 15-year warranty on frame and spring breakage.


Style your own way

A high-quality bed lasts for years, during which life circumstances and bedroom decor may change several times. With our accessories, your bed can adapt effortlessly. The headboard style and upholstery, bed skirt, bedspread, and bed legs complete the look and personalize your bed.

Our collection offers accessories that allow everyone to update their Matri bed to suit their current life situation and personal taste—whether your style is Scandinavian and sleek, casually bohemian, luxurious, minimalist, or romantic.

Bed Skirt

A bed skirt completes your bedroom’s style and gives the bed a polished look—even when it’s unmade.

Valance sheets


A Matri headboard completes the look of your bed and ties it seamlessly into the rest of your home decor. A beautiful headboard not only enhances comfort but also makes the bed even more inviting.

Discover our headboards


Matri bed legs are easy to attach and can be replaced as needed, whether you prefer low or high legs or want them to match your flooring. Our collection includes a variety of bed legs, from solid wood to metal, and from tall to low options.

Discover our bed legs


A bedspread completes the look of your bed and the entire bedroom. Matri’s collection includes bedspreads in various styles, offering options for fans of modern, classic, romantic, or relaxed bohemian aesthetics.

Discover our bedspreads

Bed Linen

High-quality and durable bed linens are the finishing touch for a good night’s sleep. We craft our bed linens exclusively from natural materials that feel wonderfully luxurious against the skin.

Discover our bedclothes